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SU64: How to constantly deliver Jackpot Moments for clients with Yifat Cohen

Episode Summary

About Yifat Cohen : Meet Yifat (pronounced "ee-fah-t", the "Y" makes the long "e" sound like in Yvonne) She is an entrepreneur that runs an engagement marketing business that helps entrepreneurs establish instant trust with their prospects. She's been in business for over 11 years, she does Krav Maga, loves geeky things, cooks spicy food, and is a traveler and adventurer, but also one who loves her sleep and strong coffee (which really doesn't go together, does it?). One of the first 100 people to be invited to Google+, Yifat has built her entire brand with one show on one platform that most people didn't even care about. Google hired Yifat and flew her around the world to train their own team and speak at their offices (which they hardly let a non-Googler do). She worked with the city of Austin, was featured on radio shows, big stages and live events... all because Yifat understands one thing: In our overly connected world, we are starving for connection. And when we provide that connection we are rewarded with referrals, loyalty and $$$. Her clients have generated over $250,000 in 10 days from a dead list because of her Instant Trust strategy. Others have made over $100,000 in that same span of time, while others saw 40% conversions and high ticket sales from cold audience. Today Yifat provides that service to companies who have more leads than clients and helps them add an additional 10%-20% to their bottom line without paying for more leads. Connect with Yifat at

Episode Notes

About Yifat Cohen :

Meet Yifat (pronounced "ee-fah-t", the "Y" makes the long "e" sound like in Yvonne)

She is an entrepreneur that runs an engagement marketing business that helps entrepreneurs establish instant trust with their prospects. She's been in business for over 11 years, she does Krav Maga, loves geeky things, cooks spicy food, and is a traveler and adventurer, but also one who loves her sleep and strong coffee (which really doesn't go together, does it?).

One of the first 100 people to be invited to Google+, Yifat has built her entire brand with one show on one platform that most people didn't even care about.

Google hired Yifat and flew her around the world to train their own team and speak at their offices (which they hardly let a non-Googler do). She worked with the city of Austin, was featured on radio shows, big stages and live events... all because Yifat understands one thing:

In our overly connected world, we are starving for connection. And when we provide that connection we are rewarded with referrals, loyalty and $$$. Her clients have generated over $250,000 in 10 days from a dead list because of her Instant Trust strategy. Others have made over $100,000 in that same span of time, while others saw 40% conversions and high ticket sales from cold audience.

Today Yifat provides that service to companies who have more leads than clients and helps them add an additional 10%-20% to their bottom line without paying for more leads.

Connect with Yifat at



>>My Book "WINGS OF A WOMAN " is live on Amazon. The fifteen writers are here to help women step out of their shadows. Wings of a Woman is about the interconnectedness of mind, body and spirit between one human being and another. This is a book that needs to be read many times over. On the surface the stories will talk about grief, resilience and a fierce fight for the truth; but when you dig deep down, you will find that each story talks about craving human connectedness. 

All proceeds from the book sale are going to a UK based charity Vidya Dhan with a mission of helping educate girls in India. 

Here is the global Link to buy the book : 

After you have ordered your copy. We want you to feel proud, you just gave a girl wings. Share it and encourage others to join in this movement. Use hashtag #Igaveagirlwings.


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As a Director of Operations and Business Growth Strategist with 12 years corporate experience as a Senior Engineer,  I help multiple 6 figures or more impact driven, heart centered entrepreneurs  to scale  by smart systems, empowered teams and streamlined operations to increase revenue and eliminate the chaos. Curious , learn more at


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