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SU47: From being a MD to becoming an successful Business Coach with Dr. Wasi Saleem

Episode Summary

In this episode I am talking to life coach, entrepreneur and speaker. Dr. Wasi Saleem. We discuss about 1. Dr. Wasi's journey of how he got to be where he is today with his entreprenur journey. 2. We talk about the challenges he faced on his journey taking the role of entrepreneur. 3. How Dr. Wasi is utilizing the skills and capabilities he learned in medical professional to entrepreneurship. 4. What has been the biggest learning curve for Dr. Wasi in business. 5. Dr. wasi talks about The Future Self Exercise - being your future self now to create the exact life you want. I'll dive into achieving our personal goals and dreams in all areas and how we can start to overcome fear and doubt to become the next best version of ourselves. 6. Dr. Wasi shares his own story of transformation and his student success. 7. We discuss about what is the biggest challenge he is facing going forward? 8. Dr. Wasi talks about what his next 90 days looks like to grow his impact with his leadership . One of my favorite quote from Dr. Wasi is "as humans we tend to look to our past to define our future, but instead, we need to be creating an incredible future and create our life from that future, even when there is 0 evidence for us to believe it will exist." If you're a overwhelmed in your business, you want to scale then make sure you join Priyanka's next free training all around maximizing your team. Link to register to Priyanka's next free 5 days challenge :

Episode Notes

About Dr. Wasi Saleem:

Dr. Wasi is a sought after life coach, entrepreneur and speaker. After graduating from medical school and becoming a physician, he discovered Tony Robbins and the world of life coaching. His life was never the same. Although he loved patient care, what he loved even more was helping people create results by managing their mind and emotions. He was also fascinated with the idea of being able to make your own money with a laptop lifestyle as an online entrepreneur. Thus, after years of experimenting with coaching online as a hobby while pursuing his medical career, he finally decided to go all in with his passion for coaching in late 2019 and launched his first official coaching program.

While delving it to the world of coaching, Dr. Wasi developed a keen interest in one's ability to create money and wealth for themselves by using their mind. He was also fascinated with marketing and sales, a world that was completely different from the medicine background he was from. Due to his previous small successes as a profitable life coach, Dr. Wasi launched programs to help new and struggling life coaches make money and create transformation for their clients. He was successful out of the gate, making $10,000 in sales his first month, and has been scaling since.

Due to his early success when launching in 2019, he was given an award and flown out to Scottsdale, AZ by the well-known entrepreneur and investor, Dean Grazosi. After being interviewed by Dean, Dr. Wasi was quickly selected as Head Trainer and Keynote Speaker to represent Tony Robbins and Dean Graziosi on stages and workshops worldwide.

Dr. Wasi's mission is to show people that anything is possible with our God given brain and that we can create the exact life we want. He's most excited about continuing to blow his own mind with the results he creates for himself, but more importantly, the transformation he gets to create in the lives of his students and clients.

Connect with Dr. Wasi at,

1. Facebook Profile:

2. Facebook Group:

3. Free Training: "How To Make $100K Selling Coaching With Zero Paid Ads!":

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As founder and CEO of Scaling To Grow, I've seen all the techniques everyone is using under the sun that actually works. That is why I'm hosting a 5 Day "How To Implement The 4 Day Workweek & Maximize Your Team" Challenge to further help you bring your vision to life in order to create impact.  

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