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SU46: How she created Entrepreneur trans-Atlantic cruise mastermind with Founder Jeanet Bathoorn

Episode Summary

In this episode I am talking to Cruising Business coach, Author, Mastermind Expert and Freedom Entrepreneur Jeanet Bathoorn. We discuss about 1. Jeanet's childhood growing up and how it impacted her journey of first becoming an entrepreneur. 2. We talk about the challenges she faced on her journey taking the role of entrepreneur. 3. The questions Jeanet ask herself as she is building, growing, or scaling the business. 4. Jeanet explains how she take care of her mindset when she gets overwhelmed. 5. We talk about the simplest ways one can have more freedom in their business. 6. Jeanet talks about the amazing luxury cruise mastermind she does and her high end coaching 7. We discuss about what led her to start her podcast which she publish everyday. 8. Jeanet gives tips on what kind of leader one should become, specially during this changing times , working with millenials , working with virtual teams. One of my favorite quote from Jeanet is "I love to see people grow, think big and make real big steps."

Episode Notes

About Jeanet Bathoorn:

Jeanet Bathoorn is a bestselling author of five books, No nonsense business coach, Mastermind Expert  and the creator behind the Freedom Entrepreneur Cruise and Freedom Entrepreneur transatlantic cruises. She has successfully pivoted her career from a focus on social media to a focus on what it means to be a Freedom Entrepreneur. She uses what she has learned to coach and train other entrepreneurs to find freedom in their business by setting up appropriate systems and cultivating awareness of their mindset.

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