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SU40: How to attract abundance in your life with life coach Ruchi Sharma

Episode Summary

In this episode I am talking to Motivational speaker, a life coach Ruchi Sharma. We discuss about Ruchi's childhood growing back in India and then her journey of coming to USA. We talk about the turning point in her life to take on the current path of entrepreneurship. We learn about the challenges she faced and how she showed up during the hard times. By the end of the interview - you will learn about how one can find purpose in life and why its important to attract abundance in every part of our lives. Ruchi shares some ways to create and attract abundance in our life. If you're a overwhelmed in your business, you want to scale then make sure you join Priyanka's next free training all around maximizing your team. Link to register to Priyanka's next free 5 days challenge :

Episode Notes

About Ruchi Sharma:

Ruchi is a motivational speaker, a life coach, an entrepreneur and an artist at heart. She comes from a diverse cultural and professional background. Having been raised at the heart and center of creativity, among musicians, dancers and many solo artists, Ruchi feels closest to home when surrounded by creativity.

She works with multi-passionate entrepreneurs, artists and creatives and helps them see their vision come to life.  She is a mentor, collaborator and an accountability partner for growth-centered individuals. She equips her clients with powerful tools and strategies that help bring clarity and a unique insight into their life and business. Ruchi is a Certified Coach from International Coach Federation and Robbins Madanes Training Program by Tony Robbins. Over the past decade Ruchi has worked in many scenarios from full time teaching to owning a Photography Business to working as a Marketing Executive at Yelp, Inc.

She currently lives in Houston, Texas with her husband and two children.

You can reach her at her website or Instagram : @livingwithruchi

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Systems and High Performing Team saves more than just the sale. When you have amazing leaders, positive contagious team culture and a powerful system in place, you will be able to run epic promotions, increase your sales, & scale your company beyond what you think is possible.

You create a highly functioning team that operates from strengths and leverage and automate your systems to scale.🤑

As founder and CEO of Scaling To Grow, I've seen all the techniques everyone is using under the sun that actually works. That is why I'm hosting a 5 Day "How To Implement The 4 Day Workweek & Maximize Your Team" Challenge to further help you bring your vision to life in order to create impact.  

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