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SU38: How to make the hard choices with seasoned entrepreneur Jake Anderson

Episode Summary

Jake Anderson is a seasoned entrepreneur with more than 10 years experience and a business strategist who helps entrepreneurs scale with clarity by empowering their business through the network of human connection and aligning strategy with foundational principles. Jake is also the host of the Introspective Podcast that helps growth-minded entrepreneurs learn how to breakthrough the hard choices so they can level up in both life and business. In this episode we discuss about how Jake started his entrepreneur journey and what was his goal back then. We learn about the challenges he faced and how he showed up during the hard times. Jake gives us a insight on how one should make hard choices in business to empower oneself and to succeed. He talks about the simplest ways one can build systems to grow your business. We talk about his new podcast Introspective podcast and all about the purpose and the inspiration to start it.

Episode Notes

Connect with Jake Anderson  at

Introspective podcast 

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