Show Up with Priyanka

SU44: How to Integrate Wellness in Your Business with Dr. Hanan El Basha

Episode Summary

In this episode I am talking to Business Doctor aka Integrative Business & Wellness Mentor Dr. Hanan El Basha. We discuss about 1. Dr. Hanan journey of first becoming an entrepreneur and Business Doctor. 2. We discuss about the challenges she faced on her way and how she showed up during those times. 3. We discuss about how Dr. Hanan Transition from burnout to conscious wellness and the ways one can achieve that. 4. Dr. Hanan talks about how to integrate both the business and wellness? 5. Dr. Hanan share tips on ways one can show up and integrate wellness into their life and business. If you're a overwhelmed in your business, you want to scale then make sure you join Priyanka's next free training all around maximizing your team. Link to register to Priyanka's next free 5 days challenge :

Episode Notes

About Dr. Hanan El Basha:

 Dr. Hanan El Basha has been dubbed Dr. Feel Good and even the “Oprah of the Middle East” following her repeated appearances on live podcast discussions talking about topics she constitute her mission, namely women empowerment in business, wellness, and mindset.. Dr. Hanan El Basha, as termed as The Business Doctor, is an Integrative Business & Wellness Mentor. She supports women build profitable, sustainable businesses whilst maintaining balanced and thriving lives alongside. Her approach also entails shifting mindsets, conquering limiting beliefs, and aligning passion with purpose.

You can connect with Dr. Hanan El Basha, 


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@Instagram: HB_TheBusinessDoctor


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Systems and High Performing Team saves more than just the sale. When you have amazing leaders, positive contagious team culture and a powerful system in place, you will be able to run epic promotions, increase your sales, & scale your company beyond what you think is possible.

You create a highly functioning team that operates from strengths and leverage and automate your systems to scale.🤑

As founder and CEO of Scaling To Grow, I've seen all the techniques everyone is using under the sun that actually works. That is why I'm hosting a 5 Day "How To Implement The 4 Day Workweek & Maximize Your Team" Challenge to further help you bring your vision to life in order to create impact.  

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